Saturday, June 30, 2012

Who Loves Jigsaw Puzzle? Thousands of them?

Hey Guys..any of you love jigsaw puzzle? well for sure I do. Especially those above 1000 pieces! I juz love them so much!

Well I guess I dont have enough time (and space as well) to play jigsaw puzzle time because i'm super busy..most of my time is spent at work @ in I dont have enough space as puzzles with above 1000+ pieces need kinda big space so you can leave it there when u dont have time to complete it. Usually it takes me 2-3 days to solve 5000+ pieces (well at least i spend like 5 hours a day?).

Puzzle is really addictive lar!!!

Since nowadays super lazy to buy actual/physical puzzle..i've tried to google and see if I can play puzzle online? And to my surprise, yes I can!

The quality is quite good. But yang x best is - u have to solve it at once. u cant like save it and continue it later can only play yang less than 500 pieces je coz it will take me less than an hour to complete it..still..consider okie to me.. ;)

so if u guys wanna try, u can go and check this website --->
i'm sure there are other webs as well. please do share with me if you find a better one!

p/s: of course a physical jigsaw puzzle will give u more satisfaction!

My Small-Not-So-Tidy Office

Dah lame x update blog..ok as promised..this is my small-not-so-tidy office room.. ;)

Serabut gak lar tgk bilik nih..but i think i'm getting used to it..kadang2 t'sangkut lar kaki sane cni mase jln..klu tgh pregnant bhya jugak keje dlm bilik mcm ni..

atas kerusi..atas lantai..atas almari..all over the place is damn full of files..

see that travel bags? inside that full of files as well..haha~

this small little corner is belong to me..

entrance to my room..full of travel bags files (lagi?) 

the view from my seat..owh wat a nice view rite?

so how's ur workplace? care to share? ;)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Our 1st House Coming Pretty Soon

excitednye!!! ahad last weekend pegi survey2 rumah kt area damansara..maklum lar nk kawin thn dpn..ade umah yg bapa mentua nk bg free jauh pulak dr ofis me and my kitorang usahakan lar cr rumah mampu milik..

bila cakap psl rumah pertama mampu milik..range harge lbh kurg RM150,000.00..itupon sempot nk bayar downpayment 10% i.e RM15, fees utk uruskan S&P rumah 1% dr harge rumah..blm msuk disbursement..stamp duty pon 1% dr harge documentation and charge documentation dgn bank blm msuk kos lg..alhamdulillah my fiance keje kt Astro byk panel ZEC utk panel bank FOC! hehe~

utk yg xtau..ZEC tu maknenye Zero Entry Costs / Moving Costs t'msuk lar kos legal fees bg loan documentation, stamping agreement dgn bank, disb etc. Lps kira2 td ade lar dlm RM6,000.00. So kat situ dh save RM6,000.00. (itupun kalau kitorg amik panel bank Astro).

Td dh pegi 3 banks utk survey psl housing loan package yg diorg ade..Al-Rajhi bank (4 bintang), RHB Islamic Bank (4 bintang), Bank Islam (2 bintang). Al-Rajhi and Bank Islam are panels for Astro, means ZEC free (as what the bank officers told me).

B'dsrkan survey2 td, lbh kurg stgh jam jugak lepak kt setiap 1 bank tu except utk Bank Islam, pakej2 utk housing loan (Islamic finance ye) bank2 t'sbut adlh spt berikut:- (keesahan dan ketepatan tidak dijamin memandangkan ia direkodkan dr perbualan dan Q&A session dgn bank officers - penulis x b'tanggungan bagi sebarang kesilapan / ketidaktepatan maklumat. Sila rujuk bank2 b'kenaan bagi maklumat yg tepat).

Loan amount: around RM150,000.00

Al-Rajhi Bank

1) Kadar profit rate bg amount financed is BFR (kdr semasa di Malaysia is 6.6% however Al-Rajhi's BFR follows international market and it's 6.9%) - 2.25% i.e: 4.65% on financed amount of RM150,000.00.
2) Maximum loan 90% from market value of property and not purchase price of property.
3) MRTT and w/o MRTT package made available to customer.
4) Strict requirement for applicant. Must have 3 months salary slip from same employer (this is only one of the requirement ye).
5) 1 name applicant yg b'gaji bersih lbh kurg RM2,400 - RM2,500 bole lps dgn tmph byr blk selama 15 thn. Monthly installment lbh kurg RM1,159.00 (w/o MRTT) - based on the bank officer's calculation.
6) Ceiling rate for BFR is 10%

RHB Islamic Bank

1) Kadar profit rate is IBR (same ler dgn BFR) 6.6% (follows M'sia's rate) - 2% (MRTT) @ -1.9% (w/o MRTT). So let say amik MRTT dlm 4.6% lar profit rate die..
2) Maximum loan amount 90% from market value of property and not purchase price of property.
3) MRTT and w/o MRTT package made available to customer.
4) Ceiling rate for IBR is 10.25%.
5) Applicant's requirement - if 1 name dlm S&P, and customer xde tanggungan lain (i.e hutang lain kt bank lain lar), kemungkinan bsr loan entitle utk dpt hanya 80% shj..if 2 nama dlm S&P dan loan 2 nama - seorang customer ade tanggungan lain cthnye kereta, boleh dpt 90% loan.
6) byrn blk bg tmph 15 thn dgn MRTT around RM1,215.15 sebulan. Manakala tenure 20 thn tp MRTT 15 thn shj byrn bln2 is around RM1,010.00.

Bank Islam (td pergi cawangan Kelana Jaya - servis plg teruk b'banding 2 bank di atas..we only spent like 5 min je sbb servis* truk sgt)

1) Profit rate is BFR 6.6% - 1.8% i.e 4.8% (highest among all 3).
2) Ceiling rate for BFR is 10.75% (highest among all 3).
3) Maximum financed amount is 90% from purchase price/market value of property (whichever is lower).
4) MRTT MUST cover the whole tenure period.

* servis - dr segi layanan, penerangan, berapa min menunggu sementara ade officer entertain, keramahan utk b'tny dgn lbh lnjt ttg property yg customer nk bli, dan yg adik beradik dgnnye).

So as for now, we are satisfied with Al-Rajhi and RHB's packages. Masing2 ade kelebihan yg a bit different here and there. Unless the representation by the bank officer is wrong, we are absolutely not taking Bank Islam's package.

Actually akan pergi survey more bank utk cr best offer in town!

p/s: kalau dh confirm bli bru bole ltk gmbr apartment kitorang dkt blog.. ;)

mood sf (blog owner a.k.a writer) skrg:-

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ofis oh Ofis

Since my chambering period smpi lar skrg, I've been in 3 different offices..byk blaja bile slalu tkr ofis me..blaja utk adapt dgn different surroundings..different work style..different bosses..different type of byk2 ofis..ofis yg ke3 ni aku dpt bilik yg plg messy & xbest..(2 yg best jd lawyer..xkire lawyer bru ke lame dpt bilik sdiri..) xcaye aku dh amik dh gmbr bilik ni tp xle nk upload skrg sbb xde cable..tunggu r nnt aku tunjuk..adoi sakit kpla.. T______T

tips tukar ofis: make sure stiap kali tkr keje..kite b'alih ke tmpt yg lbh baik..higher offer doesnt necessarily means better place..sometime worst..but of course better offer akan lg motivate kite utk bekerja dgn lbh baik.. ;)

ok.this is not my office..if not dah tender resignation 1st day keje.. ;P

ok..even if i become a partner in this firm..mcm impossible to get this kinda office.. T____T super nice!!!

so how is your office??? stress or not???

Pro Bono Work bono tu bukan satu bnda lucah..bunyi semacam je kn? hehe~pro bono is actually a latin phrase..selalunye dikaitkan dgn legal profession..

definition by wikipedia (not much reliable) :

"Pro bono publico (English: for the public good; usually shortened to pro bono) is a Latin phrase generally used to describe professional work undertaken voluntarily and without payment or at a reduced fee as a public service. It is common in the legal profession and is increasingly seen in marketing, technology, and strategy consulting firms. Pro bono service, unlike traditional volunteerism, uses the specific skills of professionals to provide services to those who are unable to afford them."

bole bace dgn lebih lanjut di sini:-

so sng citer: buat keje amal dgn mengambil kes scr percuma @ dgn kadar yg murah bg m'bantu golongan yg kurg upaya..ade org buat utk dpt phala..ade org buat utk marketing..ade org buat suke2..

dan oleh sbb itu..sye pon nk jugak buat keje pro bono kecil2an..saye xbole nk amik case for free @ pandai2 bg diskaun coz i'm still working under a firm..blm ade kemampuan nk bukak firm sdiri..insyaAllah satu hari nanti..

ape yg sye mampu buat is..if anyone of u out there..ade kemusykilan tentang prosedur atau kedudukan undang2 Malaysia..nk mintak nasihat/pandangan/sample utk dokumen2 yg perlu difailkan ke dalam Mahkamah..u guys can email me..and i will try my best to help u guys.

But, please do read as follows:-

1) my knowledge and experience of coz not expect me to give you 100% correct answer;
2) i will not given any assurance or should i be liable for any advise/sample given to you. wateva sample/advise given, is accepted without any condition etc. i give advise/sample - you take it - that's it!;
3) for any inquiry, plz email me @;
4) response depends on my availability, time etc;
5) I can only give advice to matters which is within my practice i.e general litigation (most matters) and banking litigation.

So, grab the opportunities. But..jgn pandai2 reka kes sendiri/masalah sendiri yg x wujud ye..jgn buang mase sye..*thank you*

*pic does not belong to me*

Sunday, June 10, 2012



Salam and afternoon everyone!!! (well when i write this entry it's 12.10 pm of 10/6/2012)

Semalam bosan alone at home. So ape lg bake time! RV cuppies lar ape lg sbb nk master kn buat RV cuppies nih b4 bole start amik order.. ;)

So, bhn2 dibeli dr sbnrnye nk buat kek2 mhl cani (mhl sgt ke..), better pegi bakery coz lbh byk choice, harge lbh murah (especially harge cream cheese, whipped cream). Klu ku Giant tu sebuku cream cheese Philadelphia brand about RM12.00-RM13.00..250gm je..klu pegi bakery same brand bole dpt dlm RM8.00 je..

So bhn2 yg tlh disediakan b'same perkakas2 mem"baking":-

bile bhn2 dh siap..dh ready..jgn lupe pnskn oven 170c-180c selama 10min..
hah..nk showoff lar over bru sye..hikhik~

cun x? hehe~bli kt senheng bdr puteri, puchong..hah senheng ni kentoot gak lar..harge die ltk RM399.00..then die offer amik membership trus brape RM ntah hr 2..dlm RM10-RM20 xsilap..dpt diskaun 15-20%..then extend warranty +1 yr jd 2 thn..n amik pakej klu rosak pape die trus ganti bru (rsenye r..) total byr jd RM352 (lbh kurg..) pdhal oven ni pegi kt JUSCO bru RM328 (xsilap r..but definitely below RM330.00) next time korg nk bli oven, plh r JUSCO/SENHENG. SENHENG mmg lg mhl klbhnnya warranty extra sethn (if ade membership) and klu rosak any part, ganti bru part t'sbt. but my mom said brg elektrik ni klu amik brand yg ok, insyaAllah xde bli jela kt JUSCO.. slps kacau2 ni lar hasilnya adunan red velvet sye..dh msuk cup and dh msuk oven..

dan hasilnya slps stgh jam menggebu betul..hehe~

awesome kn color die? n lps ltk topping creamcheese kt ats..trus jd xbrape comey..aiyo..


ok..bbrp tips utk anda2 yg nk try buat rv cake/cuppies:-

1) creamcheese amat pntg! pki creamcheese philadelphia (at least!) jgn pki brand2 yg xbrape feymes 2..texture die xsame..philadelphia lembut..utk topping kne lembut je creamcheese.

2) utk pewarna merah..pki star brand @ yg lbh elok..jgn bli brand yg xtau brand ape kt bakery 2..sbb kt bakery kn slalu die repack jd brand die unless korg tau brand ape, jgn bli! wlupun just pewarne! sbb sometime die ade smell & skaligus taste yg lgsg xbest!

3) koko jgn ltk byk sgt..slalu utk portion 1 cake/30 size cuppies mcm sye buat ni - 2 sudu bsr shj..

pendek cerita..gune brand2 yg dikenali shj! 1 ingredient spoil whole thing xsdp!

ok..slmt menjamu selera..kpd yg xdpt m'jamu selera..boleh lar tmph dgn sye (b'gntg pd kelapangan..) ;)

RV details utk order:-

1) 1pc cuppies RM2.00 size bsr ckit dr gmbr di atas;
2) topping b'beza ikut permintaan/theme/color;
3) available dlm byk korg nk blue velvet ke..purple velvet velvet ke..sume bole..color sume awesome!
4) email me to place your order. ;)